Lead Advocate Certification Training - Spring 2024 Cohort

Lead Advocate Certification Training - Spring 2024 Cohort

  • Registration Closed

Certified Lead Advocates build relationships with their Senators and Representative as well as their staff. They build those connections in different ways, by writing emails, picking up the phone, or visiting them in person when possible. By reaching out regularly and being a reliable resource of useful information, Certified Lead Advocates create connections and educate policymakers about what it is like to live with limb loss or limb difference.   

During the course, Advocates will have new course material to read and watch each week, with weekly AC Connect discussion posts, and a weekly live Zoom session to dive deeper into the course materials with discussions and practice sessions. Total time expected for each week is 2-5 hours. Must be able to dedicate one evening a week to a live Zoom training (exact day of the week has not been determined).  

By advocating with us, you can make sure your voice gets heard – and help others get their voice heard, too!